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Côte d'Ivoire : Zabi, le prodige qui révolutionne le football africain.

Ivory Coast: Zabi, the prodigy who is revolutionizing African football.

Côte d'Ivoire : Zabi, le prodige qui révolutionne le football africain.

Ivory Coast: Zabi, the prodigy who is revolutionizing African football.

Zabi, a young prodigy of Ivorian football at 19, attracts attention with impressive dribbling. Representing a new generation of daring players, he embodies the future of football in Côte d'Ivoire a...

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Congo : Faveurdi Bongeli, l'étoile montante du football congolais

Congo: Faveurdi Bongeli, the rising star of Congolese football

Faveurdi Bongeli, a 17-year-old Congolese prodigy, is emerging as a rising star in football. With impressive talent, he is attracting the attention of European clubs and embodies the hope of Congol...

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