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Guinée : Mamadi Doumbouya, architecte d'une diplomatie régionale ambitieuse.
Mamadi Doumbouya, chef de la transition guinéenne, manœuvre habilement sur l'échiquier d'Afrique centrale. En tissant des alliances stratégiques et en abordant les enjeux de sécurité, il cherche à ...
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Zimbabwe : Mnangagwa limoge Chiwenga, une manœuvre risquée face à l'incertitude politique
Le limogeage du général Constantino Chiwenga par le président zimbabwéen Emmerson Mnangagwa marque un tournant clé. Cette décision pourrait déclencher des tensions militaires et une contestation po...
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Guinée : le général Kande sous le feu des accusations d'un coup d'État potentiel.
Dans un contexte de tensions politiques en Guinée, le général Kande est accusé de tentatives de coup d'État. Naviguant dans un jeu de pouvoir complexe, il défend son honneur face à des manigances. ...
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Sénégal : un mandat chaotique entre promesses et désillusions
Le Sénégal célèbre un an de mandat de Bassirou Diomaye Faye, entre promesses non tenues et défis économiques. Les infrastructures stagnent et la gouvernance soulève des inquiétudes. Faye doit trans...
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Somalia: President Mohamud under threat of bomb attack
Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud escaped a bomb attack, revealing growing security tensions. The fight against Al-Shabaab is weighing on the government, while the international community is c...
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DRC: When Rwanda appropriates and broadcasts the voice of Congolese Minister Patrick Muyaya
Amid the tumult of the conflict between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Rwandan-backed March 23 Movement (M23), one figure stands out and transcends the front lines: Patrick Muyaya,...
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Senegal: Former Prime Minister Amadou Ba Joins Government Advisory Board for African Renewal
Former Senegalese Prime Minister Amadou Ba is launching a consulting firm to modernize governance in West Africa. Leveraging his international network, he aims to transform administrative practices...
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Central African Republic: Touadéra's controversial alliance with Russia
In the Central African Republic, President Touadéra is strengthening his alliance with Russia to counter the crisis. This military cooperation raises questions of sovereignty and provokes mixed rea...
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Sylvie Gustave, known as Duflo: The scandal breaks, Guadeloupe in turmoil
Accused of corruption, Sylvie Gustave, known as Duflo, plunges Guadeloupe into a resounding scandal. Explosive revelations!
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Guinea-Bissau: Towards social paralysis in the face of the government's unfulfilled promises.
Guinea-Bissau is at a crucial political juncture. The opposition threatens to paralyze the country in the face of broken government promises. Tensions are rising as people, disillusioned by precari...
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