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Ouganda : Kizza Besigye déclenche une grève de la faim pour dénoncer l'oppression

Uganda: Kizza Besigye goes on hunger strike to protest oppression

Ouganda : Kizza Besigye déclenche une grève de la faim pour dénoncer l'oppression

Uganda: Kizza Besigye goes on hunger strike to protest oppression

Imprisoned Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye goes on hunger strike to protest growing repression. His actions symbolise resistance to authoritarianism, galvanising growing popular support for...

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Syrie : l'effondrement d'une dynastie et les espoirs d'un nouveau départ

Syria: The collapse of a dynasty and hopes for a new beginning

The collapse of the Assad dynasty in Syria marks a historic turning point. After more than 50 years in power, the people are yearning for change, despite a history of war and repression. New power ...

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