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République Démocratique du Congo : Félix Tshisekedi mise sur la culture et le sport pour redorer l'image du pays.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Félix Tshisekedi focuses on culture and sport to improve the country's image.

République Démocratique du Congo : Félix Tshisekedi mise sur la culture et le sport pour redorer l'image du pays.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Félix Tshisekedi focuses on culture and sport to improve the country's image.

Félix Tshisekedi strengthens the image of the DRC on the international scene by focusing on culture and sports. Music and sporting events become tools of diplomacy to compete with Kigali, transform...

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République Démocratique du Congo : la révision constitutionnelle au cœur d'un débat tumultueux.
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Democratic Republic of Congo: constitutional revision at the heart of a tumultuous debate.

In Goma, the constitutional revision is sparking intense debate between supporters of democratic change and opponents accusing the government of wanting to perpetuate its power. The stakes go beyon...

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République Démocratique du Congo : la condamnation de Seth Kikuni relance le débat sur la liberté d'expression et la répression politique.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Seth Kikuni's conviction reignites debate on freedom of expression and political repression.

DRC presidential candidate Seth Kikuni has been convicted of inciting civil disobedience, sparking a debate over freedom of expression. The ruling could fuel protests and raise questions about the ...

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