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République Démocratique du Congo : Félix Tshisekedi mise sur la culture et le sport pour redorer l'image du pays.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Félix Tshisekedi focuses on culture and sport to improve the country's image.

République Démocratique du Congo : Félix Tshisekedi mise sur la culture et le sport pour redorer l'image du pays.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Félix Tshisekedi focuses on culture and sport to improve the country's image.

Félix Tshisekedi strengthens the image of the DRC on the international scene by focusing on culture and sports. Music and sporting events become tools of diplomacy to compete with Kigali, transform...

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Mozambique : tensions politiques et chaos parlementaire en perspective

Mozambique: political tensions and parliamentary chaos in sight

Political tensions in Mozambique are intensifying with the installation of the new parliament, where Frelimo and Renamo are clashing. Between accusations of fraud and popular discontent, the situat...

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Somaliland : Muse Bihi Abdi prêt à relever le défi de la présidence entre espoirs et scepticismes

Somaliland: Muse Bihi Abdi ready to take up the challenge of the presidency between hopes and skepticisms

Somaliland has inaugurated its new president, Muse Bihi Abdi, amid political tensions. His promises of prosperity and development are marred by skepticism in the face of persistent economic and sec...

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Angola : la promesse de Biden, un soutien salvateur ou un cadeau empoisonné ?

Angola: Biden's promise, a life-saving support or a poisoned chalice?

Joe Biden pledges $600 million for Angola's Lobito Corridor, boosting economic and logistical development. However, this raises questions of financial dependence and geopolitical implications in th...

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