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Guinée-Bissau : vers une paralysie sociale face aux promesses non tenues du gouvernement.

Guinea-Bissau: Towards social paralysis in the face of the government's unfulfilled promises.

Guinée-Bissau : vers une paralysie sociale face aux promesses non tenues du gouvernement.

Guinea-Bissau: Towards social paralysis in the face of the government's unfulfilled promises.

Guinea-Bissau is at a crucial political juncture. The opposition threatens to paralyze the country in the face of broken government promises. Tensions are rising as people, disillusioned by precari...

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Jordanie : l'ingérence inattendue de Donald Trump sur la crise à Gaza

Jordan: Donald Trump's unexpected interference in the Gaza crisis

The Middle East crisis intensifies with Donald Trump pressuring Jordan to resolve the Gaza conflict. Jordanian leaders face what they consider inadequate US recommendations, navigating between exte...

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Libéria : l'incendie du siège de l'Assemblée nationale soulève des inquiétudes politiques et institutionnelles.
Assemblée nationale

Liberia: National Assembly headquarters fire raises political and institutional concerns.

A major fire has ravaged the headquarters of the National Assembly in Liberia, raising concerns about the security of the institutions and the political future of the country. Liberians are questio...

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