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Turquie : un incendie dévastateur frappe une station de ski en plein hiver

Turquie : un incendie dévastateur frappe une station de ski en plein hiver

Turquie : un incendie dévastateur frappe une station de ski en plein hiver

Turquie : un incendie dévastateur frappe une station de ski en plein hiver

Un incendie dévastateur a frappé une station de ski en Turquie, transformant un havre de paix en zone de désastre. Les pompiers luttent contre les flammes dans un paysage apocalyptique, soulevant d...

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Activisme climatique : la COP29 au chevet des pays vulnérables

Climate activism: COP29 at the bedside of vulnerable countries

As COP29 approaches, activists and developing countries are stepping up their fight for fair climate finance. Often unfulfilled promises are worsening the crisis. It is time for governments to take...

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Afrique du Sud : le prince William rencontre les finalistes du prix Earthshot pour un avenir durable
action écologique

South Africa: Prince William meets Earthshot Prize finalists for a sustainable future

Prince William in South Africa meets finalists for the Earthshot Prize, which honours innovative initiatives to tackle climate change. The commitment highlights the need for concrete action for a s...

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Kenya : l'harmonie des chants d'oiseaux au service de la préservation des forêts
avenir durable

Kenya: The harmony of birdsong in the service of forest preservation

In Kenya, bird song analysis helps monitor and preserve forests, combining technology and nature for a healthy ecosystem.

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Espagne : inondations catastrophiques à Massanassa et le cri d'alarme du changement climatique

Spain: Catastrophic floods in Massanassa and the alarm of climate change

Floods in Massanassa, Spain: climate disaster, tragic human toll and call for solidarity in the face of natural disaster.

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Inondations meurtrières au Sahel : des inondations de plus en plus dévastatrices face au changement climatique

Deadly floods in the Sahel: increasingly devastating floods in the face of climate change

Floods in the Sahel have become more than a seasonal emergency. They are now a real scourge, directly linked to climate change, which continues to worsen their intensity.

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