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Justice climatique : un enjeu décisif pour l'avenir de notre planète

Climate justice: a decisive issue for the future of our planet

Justice climatique : un enjeu décisif pour l'avenir de notre planète
avenir durable

Climate justice: a decisive issue for the future of our planet

Could the International Court of Justice influence global environmental policies in the face of the climate emergency? Its growing role in climate accountability raises crucial issues, including th...

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Azerbaïdjan : ouverture d'un sommet déterminant pour le climat à Bakou
action climatique

Azerbaijan: Crucial climate summit opens in Baku

COP29 opens in Baku, Azerbaijan, marking a crucial turning point for climate action. Debates are expected to be intense between developed and developing countries, over environmental issues and eco...

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Espagne : inondations catastrophiques à Massanassa et le cri d'alarme du changement climatique

Spain: Catastrophic floods in Massanassa and the alarm of climate change

Floods in Massanassa, Spain: climate disaster, tragic human toll and call for solidarity in the face of natural disaster.

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Une méga-météorite a bouleversé les océans et favorisé la vie sur Terre il y a 3 milliards d'années

A mega-meteorite disrupted the oceans and fostered life on Earth 3 billion years ago

A giant meteorite impact, discovered in South Africa, caused massive tsunamis and boiled the oceans, but also fueled nascent life on Earth.

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Inondations meurtrières au Sahel : des inondations de plus en plus dévastatrices face au changement climatique

Deadly floods in the Sahel: increasingly devastating floods in the face of climate change

Floods in the Sahel have become more than a seasonal emergency. They are now a real scourge, directly linked to climate change, which continues to worsen their intensity.

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