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République Démocratique du Congo : la fuite des soldats entre trahison et survie.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Soldiers' flight between betrayal and survival.

République Démocratique du Congo : la fuite des soldats entre trahison et survie.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Soldiers' flight between betrayal and survival.

Congolese soldiers flee to Rwanda, raising questions of desertion and survival in the face of a devastating war. The situation, exacerbated by internal tensions, reveals diplomatic and security cha...

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Yémen : entre libération et manœuvre diplomatique, le grand jeu des houthis

Yemen: Between Liberation and Diplomatic Maneuver, the Houthis' Great Game

Houthi rebels in Yemen announce the release of 153 people, a move fraught with diplomatic and emotional implications. The move, part reconciliation, part power play, raises questions about the true...

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Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises
coopération militaire

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Chad is experiencing a major diplomatic shift with President Déby's demand to withdraw French troops. This turnaround could redefine Franco-Chadian relations and exacerbate anti-French sentiment am...

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Égypte : un acteur clé dans la crise Gaza-Israël

Egypt: a key player in the Gaza-Israel crisis

Egypt is positioning itself as a key player in the Israel-Hamas conflict, calling for international solidarity for a humanitarian truce. Between geopolitical issues and support for the Palestinians...

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