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Cisjordanie : une lueur d'espoir avec la libération de 90 prisonniers palestiniens

West Bank: A glimmer of hope with the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners

Cisjordanie : une lueur d'espoir avec la libération de 90 prisonniers palestiniens

West Bank: A glimmer of hope with the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners

In the West Bank, the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners has sparked immense joy, transforming sadness into celebration. The reunion symbolises hopes for peace, despite a tense political context a...

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République démocratique du Congo : entre espoir et désillusion face à l'instabilité persistante
communauté internationale

Democratic Republic of Congo: Between Hope and Disillusionment in the Face of Persistent Instability

The situation in eastern DRC is deteriorating despite the FARDC's progress in retaking strategic territories. Fighting continues, seriously affecting civilian populations. The indifference of the i...

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Méditerranée : l'odyssée tragique d'une fillette de 11 ans et le cri d'alarme des migrants

Mediterranean: the tragic odyssey of an 11-year-old girl and the cry of alarm from migrants

An 11-year-old girl survived three days in the Mediterranean Sea, a tragic symbol of the suffering of migrants. Her story highlights the failure of migration policies in Europe and calls for urgent...

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Syrie : hiver tragique pour des milliers de déplacés fuyant la guerre
aide humanitaire

Syria: Tragic winter for thousands of displaced people fleeing war

Thousands of Syrians are fleeing the horrors of Idlib again, as fighting intensifies. Winter is approaching, adding to their suffering in overcrowded camps. With limited humanitarian aid, uncertain...

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Égypte : Naufrage tragique en mer Rouge et crise migratoire alarmante
action collective

Egypt: Tragic shipwreck in the Red Sea and alarming migration crisis

A tragic shipwreck in the Red Sea has left at least 150 migrants missing, revealing the scale of the migration crisis. Egyptian authorities are being criticized for their inaction in the face of hu...

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