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Kenya : un objet mystérieux s'écrase et sème l'effroi dans un village tranquille

Kenya: Mysterious object crashes and sows fear in a quiet village

Kenya : un objet mystérieux s'écrase et sème l'effroi dans un village tranquille

Kenya: Mysterious object crashes and sows fear in a quiet village

A village in Kenya has discovered a mysterious metallic object that fell from the sky, sparking curiosity and concern. The event raises questions about space debris and protecting our planet from i...

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Syrie : hiver tragique pour des milliers de déplacés fuyant la guerre
aide humanitaire

Syria: Tragic winter for thousands of displaced people fleeing war

Thousands of Syrians are fleeing the horrors of Idlib again, as fighting intensifies. Winter is approaching, adding to their suffering in overcrowded camps. With limited humanitarian aid, uncertain...

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Espagne : inondations catastrophiques à Massanassa et le cri d'alarme du changement climatique

Spain: Catastrophic floods in Massanassa and the alarm of climate change

Floods in Massanassa, Spain: climate disaster, tragic human toll and call for solidarity in the face of natural disaster.

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