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Guinée : L'enlèvement d'un journaliste soulève des inquiétudes sur la liberté de la presse

Guinea: Journalist's Kidnapping Raises Concerns Over Press Freedom

Guinée : L'enlèvement d'un journaliste soulève des inquiétudes sur la liberté de la presse

Guinea: Journalist's Kidnapping Raises Concerns Over Press Freedom

In Guinea, a journalist has been kidnapped, illustrating a growing climate of insecurity and threatening press freedom. Rights groups denounce this violence, stressing the impact on democracy and t...

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Burkina Faso : la liberté de la presse en péril face à la censure gouvernementale
article polémique

Burkina Faso: Freedom of the press in danger due to government censorship

Tension in Burkina Faso: Observer Paalga summoned by the CSC for a controversial article. In a context of increased control of the media, freedom of the press is being called into question, provoki...

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Algérie : la grâce présidentielle d'Ihsane El Kadi relance le débat sur la liberté de la presse.

Algeria: Presidential pardon of Ihsane El Kadi rekindles debate on freedom of the press.

Imprisoned Algerian journalist Ihsane El Kadi receives presidential pardon. His return reignites debate on press freedom in Algeria.

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Burkina Faso : La junte suspend Voice of America, la liberté de la presse encore frappée
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Junta suspends Voice of America, press freedom further affected

The military junta in Burkina Faso has suspended Voice of America broadcasts for three months. Accusing the media of undermining troop morale, this latest episode is part of a series of attacks on...

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