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Madagascar : le téléphérique d'Antananarivo, entre promesses et déceptions.

Madagascar: the Antananarivo cable car, between promises and disappointments.

Madagascar : le téléphérique d'Antananarivo, entre promesses et déceptions.

Madagascar: the Antananarivo cable car, between promises and disappointments.

Antananarivo, Madagascar, is struggling to modernize its infrastructure. The cable car project, announced in 2021 to ease traffic, has been postponed again, worsening the malaise of residents. Prom...

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Brésil : une otarie star de la plage d'Ipanema

Brazil: a sea lion star of Ipanema beach

A sea lion caught on Ipanema Beach in Brazil captivated swimmers and curious onlookers. Between wonder and exasperation, the authorities reacted with humor while ensuring the animal's well-being. T...

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