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Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises
coopération militaire

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Chad is experiencing a major diplomatic shift with President Déby's demand to withdraw French troops. This turnaround could redefine Franco-Chadian relations and exacerbate anti-French sentiment am...

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Tchad : une rupture historique avec la France et une revendication de souveraineté

Chad: a historic break with France and a claim for sovereignty

Chad abrogates its defense agreement with France, marking a shift toward greater autonomy. The decision sparks mixed reactions, ranging from nationalist euphoria to security concerns in an unstable...

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Niger : manifestations contre l'ingérence française et arrestation d'un espion présumé

Niger: Protests against French interference and arrest of a suspected spy

Massive protests in Niamey denounce alleged French interference, following the arrest of a spy suspected of belonging to the DGSE.

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