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Maroc : la découverte d'un reptile marin préhistorique relance le débat sur la biodiversité

Morocco: Discovery of a prehistoric marine reptile rekindles the debate on biodiversity

Maroc : la découverte d'un reptile marin préhistorique relance le débat sur la biodiversité

Morocco: Discovery of a prehistoric marine reptile rekindles the debate on biodiversity

In Morocco, the discovery of a plesiosaur fossil, a marine reptile that has been extinct for 66 million years, raises issues about current biodiversity. This discovery highlights the importance of ...

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Mer Noire : une tragédie écologique en cours et un appel urgent à l'action
avenir maritime

Black Sea: An ongoing ecological tragedy and an urgent call for action

An ecological disaster is hitting the Black Sea, threatened by oil spills and declining biodiversity. Coastal communities are suffering, calling for urgent mobilization to protect this precious eco...

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