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République démocratique du Congo : le M23 s'empare de Masisi et accroît le chaos

Democratic Republic of Congo: M23 seizes Masisi and increases chaos

République démocratique du Congo : le M23 s'empare de Masisi et accroît le chaos

Democratic Republic of Congo: M23 seizes Masisi and increases chaos

The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing an escalation of violence with the capture of Masisi by the M23, highlighting the government's incapacity. Thousands of civilians are fleeing the violence...

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République Démocratique du Congo : Le M23 en quête de pouvoir face à la diplomatie incertaine

Democratic Republic of Congo: M23 in search of power in the face of uncertain diplomacy

M23 seizes Kamandi in the DRC, amplifying military tensions. Will diplomacy in Luanda be able to pacify the situation?

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