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Kenya : un objet mystérieux s'écrase et sème l'effroi dans un village tranquille

Kenya: Mysterious object crashes and sows fear in a quiet village

Kenya : un objet mystérieux s'écrase et sème l'effroi dans un village tranquille

Kenya: Mysterious object crashes and sows fear in a quiet village

A village in Kenya has discovered a mysterious metallic object that fell from the sky, sparking curiosity and concern. The event raises questions about space debris and protecting our planet from i...

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Une méga-météorite a bouleversé les océans et favorisé la vie sur Terre il y a 3 milliards d'années

A mega-meteorite disrupted the oceans and fostered life on Earth 3 billion years ago

A giant meteorite impact, discovered in South Africa, caused massive tsunamis and boiled the oceans, but also fueled nascent life on Earth.

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