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Égypte : Naufrage tragique en mer Rouge et crise migratoire alarmante

Egypt: Tragic shipwreck in the Red Sea and alarming migration crisis

Égypte : Naufrage tragique en mer Rouge et crise migratoire alarmante
action collective

Egypt: Tragic shipwreck in the Red Sea and alarming migration crisis

A tragic shipwreck in the Red Sea has left at least 150 migrants missing, revealing the scale of the migration crisis. Egyptian authorities are being criticized for their inaction in the face of hu...

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Naufrage d'un bateau de migrants près de la Grèce : un mort, deux disparus

Migrant boat sinks near Greece: one dead, two missing

A migrant boat carrying 100 people has sunk near Gavdos, killing one man and leaving two missing. Rescuers are continuing their efforts to find the remaining victims.

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Naufrage sur le lac Kivu : fatalité ou fiasco de la gouvernance maritime en RDC ?

Shipwreck on Lake Kivu: Fate or Fiasco of Maritime Governance in the DRC?

The shipwreck on Lake Kivu in the DRC highlights the poor management of the maritime sector and the recurring human tragedy of overloaded boats.

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