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Ouganda : retour de TotalEnergies, entre promesses et incertitudes pour les habitants.

Uganda: Return of TotalEnergies, between promises and uncertainties for the inhabitants.

Ouganda : retour de TotalEnergies, entre promesses et incertitudes pour les habitants.
Afrique de l'Est

Uganda: Return of TotalEnergies, between promises and uncertainties for the inhabitants.

Patrick Pouyanné of TotalEnergies is preparing his return to East Africa with a 1,443 km oil pipeline project. This return raises major financial and ecological issues, promising benefits but also ...

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Égypte : le D8 entre promesses vides et tensions géopolitiques

Egypt: D8 between empty promises and geopolitical tensions

The D8 summit in Cairo exposed geopolitical tensions between members like Egypt and Turkey. While discussions on economic cooperation are promising, their realization remains uncertain. The future ...

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Égypte : un acteur clé dans la crise Gaza-Israël

Egypt: a key player in the Gaza-Israel crisis

Egypt is positioning itself as a key player in the Israel-Hamas conflict, calling for international solidarity for a humanitarian truce. Between geopolitical issues and support for the Palestinians...

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