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Burkina Faso : célébration ambiguë d'une souveraineté retrouvée

Burkina Faso : célébration ambiguë d'une souveraineté retrouvée

Burkina Faso : célébration ambiguë d'une souveraineté retrouvée

Burkina Faso : célébration ambiguë d'une souveraineté retrouvée

Les Burkinabè célèbrent l'anniversaire de leur retrait de la CEDEAO, entre fierté et interrogations. Ce jubilé soulève des enjeux politiques et sécuritaires, alors que le pays espère des changement...

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Mayotte : un retour en classe difficile mais nécessaire face à la violence

Mayotte : un retour en classe difficile mais nécessaire face à la violence

Mayotte va enfin rouvrir ses écoles après des mois de violences et de déscolarisation. Les enseignants et parents sont partagés entre espoir et inquiétude. Cette rentrée est un enjeu crucial pour l...

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Syrie : Homs, le miroir des souffrances d'une guerre oubliée

Syria: Homs, the mirror of the suffering of a forgotten war

Homs, Syria, epitomizes the ravages of civil war. Once a thriving city, it is now marked by destruction and despair. Residents struggle to find normality amid the ruins, while looking for an uncert...

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Burundi : la corruption, un obstacle majeur à la prospérité d'ici 2040

Burundi: Corruption, a major obstacle to prosperity by 2040

Burundi is being held back by devastating corruption that is undermining its development prospects by 2040. Promises of reform remain empty, leaving poverty and despair to grow. Transparency and re...

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Maroc : un milliard de dollars pour redynamiser l'économie, entre espoirs et interrogations.

Morocco: a billion dollars to revitalize the economy, between hopes and questions.

The African Development Bank is providing Morocco with $1 billion to support its economy and infrastructure. The funding could provide opportunities, but raises doubts about transparency and benefi...

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États-Unis : le Bitcoin s'envole après l'élection de Trump pour un second mandat.

United States: Bitcoin soars after Trump's election to a second term.

Bitcoin crossed $100,000 after Donald Trump's election, sparking excitement among investors. However, concerns remain over its volatility. The cryptocurrency market remains unpredictable, calling f...

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Ouganda : une révolution du mobilier scolaire pour transformer l'éducation

Uganda: A school furniture revolution to transform education

Uganda reinvents education with durable and comfortable school furniture. This partnership between the government and NGOs improves the learning environment, promotes concentration and reduces drop...

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Sénégal : la révolte des étudiants face à la dégradation des infrastructures universitaires

Senegal: Student revolt against the deterioration of university infrastructure

Senegalese universities are in crisis, with degraded infrastructure and students angry at the authorities' repression. This fight for better study conditions could mark a turning point in education...

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Algérie : Kamel Daoud sacré Prix Goncourt 2024, une voix littéraire en pleine ascension.

Algeria: Kamel Daoud awarded the 2024 Prix Goncourt, a literary voice on the rise.

Kamel Daoud wins the 2024 Prix Goncourt, marking a turning point for Algerian literature and its voice in the French-speaking world.

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