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Libye : vers une nouvelle ère diplomatique avec la nomination d'un nouvel ambassadeur à Paris

Libya: Towards a new diplomatic era with the appointment of a new ambassador to Paris

Libye : vers une nouvelle ère diplomatique avec la nomination d'un nouvel ambassadeur à Paris

Libya: Towards a new diplomatic era with the appointment of a new ambassador to Paris

Libya is preparing to appoint a new ambassador to Paris, a strategic move to strengthen its ties with Europe. The move aims to improve cooperation, restore international trust and embody the hope o...

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Maroc : Fouad Ali El Himma, l'artisan de la réconciliation avec les emirats
alliances stratégiques

Morocco: Fouad Ali El Himma, the architect of reconciliation with the Emirates

Moroccan royal adviser Fouad Ali El Himma is playing a key role in the reconciliation between Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. His influence could ease diplomatic tensions and solidify crucial...

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Mer Noire : une tragédie écologique en cours et un appel urgent à l'action
avenir maritime

Black Sea: An ongoing ecological tragedy and an urgent call for action

An ecological disaster is hitting the Black Sea, threatened by oil spills and declining biodiversity. Coastal communities are suffering, calling for urgent mobilization to protect this precious eco...

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