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Ouganda : une révolution du mobilier scolaire pour transformer l'éducation

Uganda: A school furniture revolution to transform education

Ouganda : une révolution du mobilier scolaire pour transformer l'éducation

Uganda: A school furniture revolution to transform education

Uganda reinvents education with durable and comfortable school furniture. This partnership between the government and NGOs improves the learning environment, promotes concentration and reduces drop...

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Zimbabwe : les asticots, alliés insoupçonnés de l'agriculture face à la sécheresse

Zimbabwe: Maggots, Unsuspected Allies of Agriculture in the Face of Drought

Learn how maggot farming in Zimbabwe offers an innovative solution to drought. These tiny larvae improve soil fertility, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and could create a sustainable market...

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Afrique : entre potentiel numérique et fléau des déchets électroniques
72 millions de tonnes

Africa: between digital potential and the scourge of electronic waste

Africa faces 72 million tons of electronic waste by 2030: a challenge for health and the environment. What solutions?

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