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Ouganda : incarcération de Kizza Besigye, la démocratie en danger

Ouganda : incarcération de Kizza Besigye, la démocratie en danger

Ouganda : incarcération de Kizza Besigye, la démocratie en danger

Ouganda : incarcération de Kizza Besigye, la démocratie en danger

L'inculpation de Kizza Besigye en Ouganda marque une tragédie politique alarmante, mettant en lumière la répression dans un pays en proie à des décennies de pouvoir autoritaire. Cette affaire soulè...

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Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises
coopération militaire

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Chad is experiencing a major diplomatic shift with President Déby's demand to withdraw French troops. This turnaround could redefine Franco-Chadian relations and exacerbate anti-French sentiment am...

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Niger : manifestations contre l'ingérence française et arrestation d'un espion présumé

Niger: Protests against French interference and arrest of a suspected spy

Massive protests in Niamey denounce alleged French interference, following the arrest of a spy suspected of belonging to the DGSE.

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Burkina Faso : vers un retour de la peine de mort dans un climat d'insécurité ?
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: towards a return of the death penalty in a climate of insecurity?

In Burkina Faso, the military regime is considering reinstating the death penalty, sparking heated debate. As the country grapples with security crises, the decision raises ethical and moral questi...

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Mozambique : Daniel Chapo appelle au dialogue après les manifestations post-électorales
Daniel Chapo

Mozambique: Daniel Chapo calls for dialogue after post-election protests

In Mozambique, Daniel Chapo calls for dialogue following post-election protests and opposition protests.

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Mozambique : Répression des manifestants après des assassinats politiques
assassinats politiques

Mozambique: Crackdown on protesters after political assassinations

After a series of political assassinations in Mozambique, authorities violently repress protesters demanding justice.

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Ghana : Arrestations, détentions et droits humains en crise

Ghana: Arrests, Detentions and Human Rights in Crisis

Protesters arrested during the “StopGalamseyNow” movement denounce their detention conditions in Ghana. Depriving activists of food and water undermines the reputation of law enforcement.

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