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FIFAfrica 2024 : L’Afrique en Marche pour la Démocratisation de l’Internet

FIFAfrica 2024: Africa on the Move for the Democratization of the Internet

FIFAfrica 2024 : L’Afrique en Marche pour la Démocratisation de l’Internet

FIFAfrica 2024: Africa on the Move for the Democratization of the Internet

The FIFAfrica 2024 forum in Dakar brought together activists and decision-makers around the democratization of the Internet, with debates on freedom of expression, inclusion and digital policies in...

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La jeunesse togolaise révolutionne la préservation culturelle grâce au numérique

Togolese youth revolutionize cultural preservation through digital technology

In Togo, a new generation of young innovators is using technology to breathe new life into ancestral traditions. This dynamic movement creates a fascinating bridge between the past and the present...

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Ghana : Arrestations, détentions et droits humains en crise

Ghana: Arrests, Detentions and Human Rights in Crisis

Protesters arrested during the “StopGalamseyNow” movement denounce their detention conditions in Ghana. Depriving activists of food and water undermines the reputation of law enforcement.

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Hezbollah : le trône vacille, mais qui aura la couronne après Nasrallah ?
Hachem Safieddine

Hezbollah: The throne is tottering, but who will have the crown after Nasrallah?

The succession of Hassan Nasrallah at the head of Hezbollah plunges Lebanon into a new phase of uncertainty. Between Hashem Safieddine, Tehran's favorite, and Naim Qassem, potential successor, the ...

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L'énergie solaire en Afrique : une révolution énergétique au service des communautés rurales

Solar energy in Africa: an energy revolution serving rural communities

The rise of solar energy in Africa is rapidly transforming the continent’s energy landscape, bringing new opportunities and improving the quality of life for millions of people, particularly in rur...

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Table Mountain : Une randonnée fatale pour une jeune américaine en Afrique du Sud
accident mortel

Table Mountain: A fatal hike for a young American in South Africa

A 20-year-old American student dies while hiking on Table Mountain, a tragedy that highlights the hidden dangers of South Africa's iconic mountain.

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RDC : Tshisekedi, la voix courageuse qui dénonce l’ingérence rwandaise malgré le silence international

DRC: Tshisekedi, the courageous voice who denounces Rwandan interference despite international silence

Tshisekedi at the UN: a relentless defense of Congolese sovereignty in the face of Rwandan aggression

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Attaque meurtrière de l'ISGS au Niger dans la région de Tillabéri

Deadly attack by ISGS in Niger in the Tillabéri region

At least 37 civilians have been killed in an attack attributed to the Islamic State group in the greater Tillaberi region of western Niger, near the Malian border. According to authorities, gunmen...

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Inondations meurtrières au Sahel : des inondations de plus en plus dévastatrices face au changement climatique

Deadly floods in the Sahel: increasingly devastating floods in the face of climate change

Floods in the Sahel have become more than a seasonal emergency. They are now a real scourge, directly linked to climate change, which continues to worsen their intensity.

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Darfour : Mères et nouveau-nés accablés par la malnutrition et la septicémie

Darfur: Mothers and newborns overwhelmed by malnutrition and sepsis

Darfur, already plagued by decades of conflict, is now the scene of a devastating humanitarian crisis particularly affecting mothers and their newborns.

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