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Vatican : La quête fragile de paix entre le Pape François et Mahmoud Abbas

Vatican: The fragile quest for peace between Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas

Vatican : La quête fragile de paix entre le Pape François et Mahmoud Abbas

Vatican: The fragile quest for peace between Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas

Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas met to discuss the Gaza crisis, mixing spirituality and politics. As tensions persist, their exchange raises questions about the real impact of such discussions on pe...

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Sénégal : l'appel urgent à la vérité sur le massacre de Thiaroye

Senegal: Urgent call for truth about the Thiaroye massacre

The Thiaroye massacre of 1944 is still a matter of debate. Experts and historians call for transparency to acknowledge this tragedy of colonization. The quest for justice is essential to prevent fu...

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Burkina Faso : vers un retour de la peine de mort dans un climat d'insécurité ?
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: towards a return of the death penalty in a climate of insecurity?

In Burkina Faso, the military regime is considering reinstating the death penalty, sparking heated debate. As the country grapples with security crises, the decision raises ethical and moral questi...

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Algérie : la grâce présidentielle d'Ihsane El Kadi relance le débat sur la liberté de la presse.

Algeria: Presidential pardon of Ihsane El Kadi rekindles debate on freedom of the press.

Imprisoned Algerian journalist Ihsane El Kadi receives presidential pardon. His return reignites debate on press freedom in Algeria.

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Libye : un nouveau gouverneur pour la Banque centrale, un pari risqué ?
Banque centrale

Libya: a new governor for the Central Bank, a risky bet?

Libya finally has a new central bank governor, Farhat Bengdara, a crucial position in a fractured country. Financial reunification and management of the oil bonanza are the main challenges.

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