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Éthiopie : répression et marginalisation de la communauté Qemant en danger

Ethiopia: Repression and marginalization of the Qemant community in danger

Éthiopie : répression et marginalisation de la communauté Qemant en danger

Ethiopia: Repression and marginalization of the Qemant community in danger

The Amhara region is experiencing an intensification of repression against the Qemant minority, accused of supporting rebels. The urgency of protecting the rights of the Qemant and promoting dialog...

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Afrique du Sud : un mémorial pour les soldats noirs de la Première Guerre mondiale

South Africa: A memorial to black soldiers of the First World War

A memorial has been unveiled in South Africa to honour black soldiers of World War I, exposing historical injustices in a move aimed at revising collective memory and promoting a more inclusive his...

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