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Bénin : vers un équilibre entre lutte contre le terrorisme et respect des droits de l'homme

Benin: Towards a balance between the fight against terrorism and respect for human rights

Bénin : vers un équilibre entre lutte contre le terrorisme et respect des droits de l'homme

Benin: Towards a balance between the fight against terrorism and respect for human rights

Benin is experiencing a political storm following the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and terrorism. The challenge is to balance the fight against terrorism and respect for funda...

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Burkina Faso : vers un retour de la peine de mort dans un climat d'insécurité ?
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: towards a return of the death penalty in a climate of insecurity?

In Burkina Faso, the military regime is considering reinstating the death penalty, sparking heated debate. As the country grapples with security crises, the decision raises ethical and moral questi...

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Tchad : Boko Haram frappe fort, l'armée en déroute face à des attaques meurtrières
boko haram

Chad: Boko Haram strikes hard, army in disarray in the face of deadly attacks

New massacre in Chad: more than 40 soldiers killed by Boko Haram, marking an alarming escalation of violence in the Lake Chad region. Is the Chadian army really ready for a counter-offensive?

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