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Sierra Leone : la résilience face à l'Ebola renaît avec une nouvelle campagne de vaccination.

Sierra Leone: Ebola resilience reborn with new vaccination campaign

Sierra Leone : la résilience face à l'Ebola renaît avec une nouvelle campagne de vaccination.

Sierra Leone: Ebola resilience reborn with new vaccination campaign

Sierra Leone is restarting its Ebola vaccination campaign, a decade after the devastating outbreak. Although marked by mistrust, the move symbolises a new commitment to strengthening the country's ...

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Afrique : l'OMS mobilise ses efforts contre la montée du mpox

Africa: WHO mobilizes its efforts against the rise of mpox

WHO is stepping up its fight against MPOX in Africa with a vaccination strategy targeting 70% of at-risk populations. Faced with logistical and societal challenges, community solidarity will be key...

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Afrique : 134 nouveaux cas de polio enregistrés le jour de la Journée mondiale de la polio

Africa: 134 new polio cases recorded on World Polio Day

134 polio cases reported in Africa as WHO steps up vaccination efforts to stem worrying resurgence.

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