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Burundi : la corruption, un obstacle majeur à la prospérité d'ici 2040

Burundi: Corruption, a major obstacle to prosperity by 2040

Burundi : la corruption, un obstacle majeur à la prospérité d'ici 2040

Burundi: Corruption, a major obstacle to prosperity by 2040

Burundi is being held back by devastating corruption that is undermining its development prospects by 2040. Promises of reform remain empty, leaving poverty and despair to grow. Transparency and re...

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Maroc : un milliard de dollars pour redynamiser l'économie, entre espoirs et interrogations.

Morocco: a billion dollars to revitalize the economy, between hopes and questions.

The African Development Bank is providing Morocco with $1 billion to support its economy and infrastructure. The funding could provide opportunities, but raises doubts about transparency and benefi...

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Sénégal : l'appel urgent à la vérité sur le massacre de Thiaroye

Senegal: Urgent call for truth about the Thiaroye massacre

The Thiaroye massacre of 1944 is still a matter of debate. Experts and historians call for transparency to acknowledge this tragedy of colonization. The quest for justice is essential to prevent fu...

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Bénin : vers un équilibre entre lutte contre le terrorisme et respect des droits de l'homme

Benin: Towards a balance between the fight against terrorism and respect for human rights

Benin is experiencing a political storm following the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and terrorism. The challenge is to balance the fight against terrorism and respect for funda...

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Activisme climatique : la COP29 au chevet des pays vulnérables

Climate activism: COP29 at the bedside of vulnerable countries

As COP29 approaches, activists and developing countries are stepping up their fight for fair climate finance. Often unfulfilled promises are worsening the crisis. It is time for governments to take...

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Algérie : la grâce présidentielle d'Ihsane El Kadi relance le débat sur la liberté de la presse.

Algeria: Presidential pardon of Ihsane El Kadi rekindles debate on freedom of the press.

Imprisoned Algerian journalist Ihsane El Kadi receives presidential pardon. His return reignites debate on press freedom in Algeria.

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