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Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Tchad : tournant diplomatique avec l'exigence de départ des troupes françaises
coopération militaire

Chad: diplomatic turning point with the demand for the departure of French troops

Chad is experiencing a major diplomatic shift with President Déby's demand to withdraw French troops. This turnaround could redefine Franco-Chadian relations and exacerbate anti-French sentiment am...

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Niger : Orano se retire et redéfinit l'avenir de l'uranium en Afrique

Niger: Orano withdraws and redefines the future of uranium in Africa

Orano is abandoning its uranium subsidiary in Niger, raising concerns among investors. The move could redefine mining dynamics in Africa, offering Niger an opportunity to strengthen its sovereignty...

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Tchad : une rupture historique avec la France et une revendication de souveraineté

Chad: a historic break with France and a claim for sovereignty

Chad abrogates its defense agreement with France, marking a shift toward greater autonomy. The decision sparks mixed reactions, ranging from nationalist euphoria to security concerns in an unstable...

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Niger : manifestations contre l'ingérence française et arrestation d'un espion présumé

Niger: Protests against French interference and arrest of a suspected spy

Massive protests in Niamey denounce alleged French interference, following the arrest of a spy suspected of belonging to the DGSE.

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Mali : la junte nationalise la mine d’or de Yatela, symbole de souveraineté
AngloGold Ashanti

Mali: Junta nationalizes Yatela gold mine, symbol of sovereignty

Mali nationalizes Yatela gold mine after agreement with foreign companies. A strong gesture for sovereignty.

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Chagos : Le Royaume-Uni prêt à céder la souveraineté des îles à Maurice, une victoire historique

Chagos: UK ready to cede sovereignty of islands to Mauritius, a historic victory

The UK has agreed to cede sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius after decades of legal wrangling, marking the end of a post-colonial dispute and paving the way for the land to be returned ...

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